Current: Preparing teenagers for financial responsibility

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Use Case bibliotheek / Details
Cloud Everywhere
value chain
innovatie sector
Financiƫle Dienstverlening
9. Industrie, innovatie en infrastructuur

Project Achtergrond

When it comes to developing good financial habits, it pays to start early. Talking to teens about money and monitoring how they spend it helps set them up for a more financially sound future and can have long-term implications for the rest of their lives.

Probleemstelling van het project

To grow, Current must keep its app secure, reliable, and high performing. As a startup, the company started by developing and hosting its app on a simple infrastructure, managing virtual machines with manual processes. As its user base surpassed 25,000 daily active customers, Current began to notice performance bottlenecks, particularly with the Neo4j graph database it uses to store and expose relationships among users, family members, and their debit cards and connected banks. Running the database on a shared application server made it difficult to measure the cost of the required CPU time and memory footprint. Current also lacked a robust way to log and profile the database.

Technologische innovaties

Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Platform

Doelstelling van het project

Current uses Google Kubernetes Engine on Google Cloud Platform to improve time to market for app development by 400% while eliminating downtime for users of its debit card app.

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