Snap Inc. Reduces Median Latency of Sending Snaps by 20% Using Amazon DynamoDB

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Cloud Everywhere
Next UI
value chain
innovatie sector
Cultuur en Media
9. Industrie, innovatie en infrastructuur

Project Achtergrond

Camera company Snap Inc. (Snap) creates Snapchat, an app that offers its community around the world a fast and fun way to connect with close friends. Every day, over 290 million Snapchatters on average use the app, sending billions of pictures and video messages called “Snaps.”

Probleemstelling van het project

Before Snapchat could reach this scale, however, it needed to modernize its legacy monolithic infrastructure.

Technologische innovaties

Cloud, DynamoDB

Doelstelling van het project

Snap was born in the cloud, and as part of its evolution to provide a compelling experience for hundreds of millions of users, Snap made the move to a service-oriented, regionalized, cost-efficient, durable architecture by using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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